I think it also makes sense that my first English written blog is about music...as it should.
I really don't know why the hell music is so important to me. I have also realised not a long time ago that one of the first questions to come out of my mouth when I meet someone new is...what type of music do you like?
As I like history, I have tried to analyze historically why I like music so much ....my family is a sports fanatics family and the only person that loved music was my cousin Filipe...
...probably the person that helped to shape my personality and music tastes the most...He was a couple of years older than me, I always spent holidays with him in Sintra...for me he was (and still his) THE MAN. Maybe that is it.
Mum and Dad like music but I never liked their preferred type of music (Mum more french based things like Brell, Dad more country, western thing like Dolly Parton....maybe he liked Dolly for another couple of reasons).

So historically nothing there....at least major. Excluding Dolly Partons'.
So my explanation is....it comes from within...or something like that.
Music can turn my mood around...for better or worst. I love being around people and my best friends but when I am down, happy, energetic, angry....nobody can change me around. Only music.
I always have six bands that need to follow me, wherever I am:
- Radiohead - besides being my favourite band their songs allow me to sing and vent. After listening to them I am relaxed and ready for another meeting ::))
- Sérgio Godinho - when I am complaining (I am Portuguese, we do it a lot) I listen to this fantastic Portuguese musician and his songs put all into perspective
- Lauryn Hill - if I want to turn blue and melancholic.
- Ben Harper - if I want to dance
- Underworld - if I want to be angry
- Mind da Gap - this hip hop band makes me tired in a good way. Maybe is because I can't stop rapping with them.
It must be something chemical. Maybe that is why I never stink...
And I subconsciously take plenty of conclusions from my question to new people: What type of music do you like?
And maybe wrongly if the answer is POP music I tend to leave. If he/she has a sense of humour I might ask which type of POP?
My closest friends (A MINHA GENTE) don't need to be music freaks, not at all. Music may not be an important element in their life...but if they do like music...they need to have good taste.
But I don't want to talk too much about me...but about Paleo festival programme (A zambujeira cá do burgo). I have a smile in my face with the programme.
Tuesday it starts with Placebo, Kaiser Chiefs and Gossip. This means three great rock bands for dancing and singing and jumping...
Wednesday it looks that I chose the bands - Prodigy, Franz Ferdinand, Young Gods, Ting Tings Ghinzu - this will be even more dancing, jumping, singing...I have albums of all of them, know the majority of their records...it will be fantastic
Thursday we have Moby, Amy Macdonald and Snow Patrol - very good quality. And we have RODRIGO Y GABRIELA which is one of the bands that I recently fell in love with and that I listen min. to one music a day for the past months...they are fantastic and different. By the way the other recently in love bands are Raul Midon, Xavier Ruud and Camille.
There are also other good things like Pete Doherty, TV on the Radio, Tracy Chapman, NTM and SKA-P and Trilok Gurtu...
And suddenly I am all happy after a day that really was not going that well....and I wanted to go to a meeting in a grumpy guerrilla mood, but just couldn't...
...because of the programme of a music festival where usually the public does not sing, jump or dances, where ear plugs are provided to you when you enter, where you don't see people drunk, where there are more people collecting trash from the floor than singing together with the bands, and the ticket price is high like Cypress Hill.
But I am happy.
And I finish with Rodrigo y Gabriela.
Sempre a Considerar-vos
e Iggy Pop? Candy candy candy. Life is crazy!!
ReplyDeletede olhos bem fechados, sorriso que chega a cada uma das orelhas, pulos, jeitos de ancas, de repente, e tudo por causa da música, estamos longe!
Já vamos? pergunto eu... oh, só mais esta.
Beijo grande, abraço apertado.